Senin, 25 April 2011

history of herbal medicine

Herb has been known for centuries in Indonesia where it was first known in environmental medicine Palace or Palace of the Sultanate in Djogjakarta and Kasunanan in Surakarta.

Ancient herbal recipe known only among the palace and not allowed out of the palace. But along with the development of the era, people who already own environment modern palace, they began to teach dispensing herbal medicine to people outside the palace so that the herbs to grow to this day not only in Indonesia but up to overseas.For Indonesian people, Jamu is a recipe handed down from ancestors to be maintained and developed.

Own herbal ingredients taken from plants in Indonesia either from roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, and bark.

Since ancient times, Indonesia has been known for its wealth, fertile soil with a wide expanse of the wide range of plants.

Fertile soil with a wealth of plants greatly affect the lives of Indonesian people because they depend on the nature of its business to meet the various needs. Land preparation, harvesting crops, natural process not only produces food, but also a variety of useful products for health and beauty treatments.

Ancestors we use the recipe made ​​from leaves, roots and tubers to get health and cure various diseases, as well as other preparations that provide face and body beauty treatments are complete. The mixture of traditional medicinal plants are known as JAMU. Which Indonesia is known as the State number 2 with traditional medicinal plants after Brazil.

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